What is AWS CLI >_ !!

What is AWS CLI  >_ !!

The Amazon Web Services Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) is a tool that allows us to manage their AWS services from the command line. With the AWS CLI is a command line tool we can managing AWS services directly through their APIs. It provides us to direct access on AWS services public APIs, and allows users to explore a service's capabilities and develop shell scripts to manage resources.

How to install AWS CLI !!

Installation !!

There are many ways using AWS CLI which you can install this tool :

1. The perfect version of Python 2 version 2.6.5+ or Python 3 version 3.3+

2. The operating system can be Windows, Linux, macOS, or Unix Operating System One of the most common ways to install AWS CLI on our machine is by using pip. Pip is the package management system that is used to install as well as manage the software packages that have Python as their language.

Step 1: First we need to install pip (on Ubuntu).

$ sudo apt install python3-pip

Step 2: The next step includes the installation of CLI by using this command.

$ pip install awscli --upgrade –user

Step 3: After this, we need to check the installation with this command.

$ aws --version

AWS _CLI Configuration : Configure AWS CLI with access credentials (Access Key ID, Secret Access Key, and optionally a default region and output format).

$ aws configure

and put further as what it asks.

Here are some key benefits of AWS CLI :

Time-saving : The AWS CLI can save a significant amount of time when installing and managing AWS services.

Simple to use : The AWS CLI is easy to use & install, and Most users find it quick and easy to use once they reach a certain level of proficiency.

Scripting automation : Users can write scripts in any programming language to automate the process of controlling and managing services.

...thank you !!

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